What is a VSL and Why You Should Create One (+10 Steps)

Discover what a VSL is and why this video format is so effective at increasing your online sales. Learn how to use this technique!

What is a VSL and Why You Should Create One (+10 Steps)

Video is the most consumed media format of our generation, and it has been for several years. No wonder platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram prioritize this type of content.

Videos are easier to consume compared to text, and successful companies not only know this but also use it to their advantage.

Among the many marketing strategies available, the VSL has stood out in the digital market. But, after all, what is a VSL? And why has this technique become a favorite among experts?

If you're an entrepreneur, marketer, or content creator, a VSL can be the key to increasing your sales. So, stay with us in this article to understand what a VSL is and how it can be efficient for your business.

What is a VSL?

VSL stands for Video Sales Letter.

Bestselling author Paulo Maccedo defines a VSL as "a sales-focused video that presents an offer for a product or service."

It started gaining popularity in recent years, especially in digital marketing, where video has become the main tool to capture people's attention.

When you land on a page with only a video at the top and a button below it, you can be sure you're looking at a VSL copy.

Why Should You Use a VSL?

The VSL didn’t gain popularity in digital marketing simply as a passing trend. The versatility of this copywriting technique makes it useful for a wide variety of niches and sectors.

Whether you're a personal trainer or a cryptocurrency investor, you can benefit from this format.

And they are adopting the use of VSLs because:

1. It Increases Conversions

While a traditional sales page requires the visitor to read and process information on their own, the VSL guides the user directly toward conversion.

This format facilitates the presentation of social proof, testimonials, and guarantees, which are essential to overcoming objections and building credibility.

As a result, conversion rates on pages using VSLs tend to be significantly higher than on pages based solely on text.

2. Keeps the Audience Engaged

It’s no use investing in paid traffic if those arriving on your page don't even view 20% of it.

When well-constructed, a VSL generates curiosity and hooks the viewer from the first few seconds. It presents real problems the viewer faces and then offers a practical solution.

3. Reduces Cognitive Effort

A VSL doesn’t just inform; it makes understanding the offer easier.

Unlike a sales page filled with paragraphs and scattered information, the VSL "chews up" the details for the customer, presenting each point clearly and concisely.

By delivering the message visually, you help the customer save mental energy, making it easier for them to absorb the proposal.

This reduces friction in the buying process, helping convert leads that might give up halfway if they had to read an excessive amount of text.

4. Easy to Test and Adapt

VSLs are highly flexible. If one version of your VSL isn’t delivering the expected results, you can make quick adjustments to the script, visuals, or call to action (CTA) and test different approaches without having to completely redo the sales page.

Furthermore, by incorporating tools like A/B testing, you can measure the effectiveness of different versions of your VSL, continually optimizing it to achieve the best results.

How to Create a Successful VSL

Creating a successful Video Sales Letter requires more than just following a simple script.

To ensure good results, it’s essential to focus on five main factors:

1. Irresistible Product or Value Proposition

No VSL will succeed if the product or service you offer isn’t attractive to the audience.

What you offer needs to solve a specific problem for your audience or bring a significant benefit that’s hard to ignore.

Think about your product's competitive advantages: What sets it apart from the competition? Does it solve a latent pain for the customer in a unique way?

By clearly conveying this value proposition in your VSL, you ensure that the viewer sees the relevance of what is being offered right from the start.

2. Deep Understanding of the Target Audience

Understanding deeply the pains, desires, and motivations of your audience allows you to tailor the message and speak directly to their needs and concerns.

This means going beyond simple demographic characteristics like age or gender. Ask yourself:

  • What problems are they facing?
  • What emotions are tied to these problems?
  • How can your product improve their life?

By tailoring the message to the audience’s point of view, you create a VSL that not only grabs attention but also generates connection and relevance.

3. Persuasive and Well-Structured Script

The script is the backbone of any successful VSL. Without it, your video will lack relevance, and retention rates will drop significantly.

To improve the outcome of your VSL, the script needs to follow a simple flow, which generally:

  1. Starts by presenting a problem;
  2. Expands on the problem, showing the consequences of not solving it;
  3. Presents your product or service as the ideal solution;
  4. Shows customer testimonials proving the results;
  5. Ends with a clear CTA, like "Buy now" or "Schedule a demo."

4. Ideal Duration

One of the biggest challenges when creating a VSL is finding the right duration. Too long, and you may lose the viewer's interest. Too short, and you risk not providing enough information to convince them.

The ideal duration varies depending on the product and the complexity of the message, but generally, a VSL lasts between 5 and 15 minutes.

Don’t dwell too much on explanations, but don’t skimp on essential information either.

The length should be enough to cover the key value points while still leaving the viewer wanting more or feeling compelled to take immediate action.

If you plan to extend the video beyond 30 minutes, consider recording the VSL in a webinar format.

5. Production Quality

Last but not least, we have video quality.

A low-quality video can compromise the audience’s perception of your product.

This doesn't mean you need a Hollywood-sized budget, but make sure that:

  • The audio is clear, as poor sound quality increases video rejection rates.
  • The images and graphics are sharp in HD quality.
  • The editing maintains the video’s rhythm, avoiding abrupt cuts or confusing transitions.

Read more: How to Host a Successful Webinar in 9 Steps

How to Structure a High-Converting VSL

One of the reasons VSLs have become so popular is the vast number of script templates available online.

While this speeds up the video production process, it can also dilute the content and reduce your conversion rate. The more artificial and generic your script is, the less interested people will be.

However, there are principles that will help you structure your VSL and, from there, create something unique.

A structure you can use is one proposed by copywriter and VSL specialist Jim Edwards, which consists of 10 steps:

  1. Start with a shocking statement;
  2. Present the problem and explain why it’s important;
  3. Show the worst-case scenario if the problem isn’t solved;
  4. Intensify the problem, making it more emotional;
  5. Present the solution;
  6. Establish your credibility and why people should listen to you;
  7. Prove that you’re telling the truth;
  8. List the key benefits of your product or service;
  9. Give reasons to act now;
  10. Conclude with a call to action.

You can further enhance your VSL by applying storytelling concepts and the Hero’s Journey, making your message more interesting and engaging.

Precautions When Creating a VSL

Because of its highly promotional nature, a VSL can end up sounding overly exaggerated, and a small error can turn away potential customers.

It’s essential to take some precautions when producing a VSL, such as:

  • Avoid exaggerations or unrealistic promises: Be honest about your product’s benefits. Overpromising can lead to frustration and damage your audience’s trust.
  • Maintain the appropriate length: Don’t make the video longer than necessary. A VSL that’s too long can cause the viewer to lose interest, while one that’s too short may omit important information.
  • Use clear and accessible language: Prefer simple communication that anyone can understand.
  • Focus on the Call to Action (CTA): The CTA should be direct and clear. Don’t confuse the viewer with multiple options; clearly indicate the next step they should take.

Can Technology Help Increase VSL Conversion?

Creating a VSL with an irresistible value proposition, a well-defined audience, and a persuasive script is the starting point. But to ensure it reaches its full potential, you need to leverage the right tools. This is where Panda Video comes in.

With Panda Video, you can use advanced features to maximize the impact of your VSL. Among its key functions are:

  • Smart Autoplay: A feature that automatically starts the video when someone lands on the page. It captures the audience’s attention, and as soon as they click to watch the video, it restarts from the beginning so they don’t miss anything.
  • Fictitious Progress Bar: Activate this visual feature to show the viewer the remaining time of the video (even if it doesn’t match the actual duration). This helps keep the viewer engaged because they believe the video is almost over and continue watching to see the conclusion.
  • A/B Testing: Create different versions of your VSL to discover which one generates better results. Test variations in the script, the call to action, or even the video’s length. The results from these tests help optimize the VSL’s effectiveness.
Panda Video Smart Autoplay feature activated
Smart Autoplay feature activated

With a well-structured VSL and Panda Video's advanced tools, you have everything you need to maximize conversions and create a stronger connection with your audience.

Try Panda Video and start optimizing every detail of your videos.

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