
Video Marketing: The Strategy Every Business Needs (Complete Guide)

Learn what video marketing is, the benefits of investing in this strategy, the types of videos you can use, and best practices for success.

Video Marketing: The Strategy Every Business Needs (Complete Guide)

Have you ever wondered why big brands and personalities produce videos on YouTube and social media? They do this because they understand the importance of video marketing in attracting and converting new audiences.

With the advancement of the internet and the beginning of the Marketing 4.0 era (conceived by Philip Kotler), companies needed to strengthen their relationships with consumers at every stage of the journey.

Increasingly well-informed, consumers evaluate a series of factors before making a purchase: from their need and product quality to their affinity and trust in the brand.

That's why Content Marketing has been so widely used in recent years: to build relationships and gain the public's trust. Among the formats that yield the best results is video.

This complete guide was created to help infopreneurs, digital entrepreneurs, and marketing professionals understand what video marketing is, the benefits of investing in this strategy, the types of videos that can be used, and the best practices to achieve significant results.

What is video marketing?

Video marketing is a strategy within content marketing that uses videos to attract, engage, and convert audiences.

When well executed, it can capture the audience's attention in a deeper and more emotional way than other content formats.

Now, it's important to clarify that producing any random video, opening your YouTube account, and doing a TikTok dance is not marketing.

This strategy depends on a well-defined plan, with clear goals and an understanding of the target audience.

Unless you want to earn money through monetization and sponsorships, creating videos is not just about going viral. It's always necessary to think about how the video can add value to your business and attract consumers.

Among the examples of video marketing, we can mention:

  • Institutional Videos
  • Ads for social media
  • Lives and Webinars
  • Educational videos
  • Product demonstrations

What are the benefits of investing in a video marketing strategy?

Those who implement videos in their strategies usually see the following benefits:

Information is delivered much faster

The digital environment is saturated with information. Videos allow information to be transmitted quickly and efficiently.

Studies show that the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. This means that a video can communicate a message in seconds, something that could take minutes in a written article.

Improved conversion rates

The use of videos can directly impact conversion rates. According to research, companies that use video have an average conversion rate 66% higher (Aberdeen Strategy & Research).

This happens because videos can demonstrate products and services in a more engaging way, facilitating understanding and generating more consumer confidence.

CAC Reduction

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is an important metric to track in any business, and videos can help reduce it.

Organic videos that are well-positioned on social media and YouTube can attract qualified leads, decreasing paid media costs.

If these videos have been optimized for SEO (search engine optimization), they have a great chance of attracting leads for a long time.

Building authority and credibility

Video content is the best way to build authority and credibility in the market, especially if the person in front of the camera has a strong personality.

When a company teaches something or participates in conversations, it positions itself as a reference in its niche and creates a relationship of trust with the public.

In addition, the public will start to see you as a reliable source of information and solutions.

8 types of videos used in marketing strategies

There is a range of video formats that an infopreneur or marketing professional can work with, depending on the platform, objective, and stage of the sales funnel.

Next, we'll explore the 8 main types of videos for you to incorporate into your strategy:

1. Institutional Videos

Institutional videos aim to present the company, its mission, vision, values, and often the team behind the business.

They are ideal for conveying the essence of the brand to stakeholders and arousing the interest of qualified candidates to work at the company.

2. Testimonials and Success Stories

Nothing is more convincing than seeing and hearing satisfied customers talking about their positive experiences with a product or service.

To give you an idea, the probability of someone buying a product with five reviews is 270% higher than buying a product without a review (Spiegel Research Center).

Testimonials are powerful because they trigger the mental trigger of social proof, demonstrating that the product truly delivers what it promises.

Have you asked your clients for testimonials yet?

3. Product Videos and Demonstrations

Showing how a product works in practice is one of the most effective ways to convince the public to make a purchase.

Product videos and demonstrations allow potential customers to see the product in action, understand its features, and visualize how it can solve their problems.

These videos are especially useful in e-commerce and landing pages.

Product demonstration video from Panda Video
Product demonstration video from Panda Video

4. Lives and Webinars

Webinars and lives are excellent tools to educate the public, answer questions in real-time, and create a sense of community around the brand.

These live events allow direct interaction with the audience, increasing engagement and strengthening the relationship with customers.

In addition, webinars can be recorded and made available later, being a way to capture leads in the long term.

Also read: How to Host a Successful Webinar in 9 Steps

5. Tutorials

Tutorials (or how-to videos) are designed to teach the audience something, like how to perform an action with a product or service.

They are extremely valuable for nurturing leads who are still in the consideration phase and can be shared on social media and YouTube.

6. Behind the Scenes

Behind-the-scenes videos are effective for building trust and humanizing the brand or expert behind the business.

One of the best tools to share this type of content is Instagram Stories.

Because they are short and temporary videos, stories are ideal for showing spontaneous moments, reinforcing the sale of info products, and interacting with the audience.

7. Courses

Courses can be both the final product and a tool to guide them to a higher-value product.

By offering courses that address topics relevant to the sector in which your company operates, you not only share valuable knowledge but also position your brand as an authority on the subject.

These courses can be used to teach the practical application of concepts and prepare the audience to make informed decisions in the future.

8. Video Sales Letters (VSLs)

Video Sales Letters, or VSLs, are a video version of traditional sales letters.

They are designed to capture the audience's attention, build a persuasive argument, and finally lead the viewer to take action, such as buying a product or subscribing to a service.

After assembling your persuasive script, it's still possible to improve the VSL's results using a video hosting service that offers tools for this, as is the case with Panda Video.

Which platforms to use in my video marketing strategy?

Beginners think it's necessary to be on all social networks to succeed with video marketing. But that's not quite the case.

The important thing is to be in at least two places, which are:

  1. A social network;
  2. YouTube.

1. Social Networks

Social networks are one of the main channels for disseminating videos. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Kwai are ideal for sharing short videos that quickly reach a large audience.

The use of stories, reels, and regular posts is an efficient way to increase reach, generate engagement, and create a more direct connection with followers.

2. YouTube

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, after Google.

When you create optimized content, your videos have a greater chance of appearing in search results, both on the platform and on Google.

In addition, YouTube is perfect for building authority, which makes it the preferred place for those who want to produce longer content, from on-demand videos to podcasts.

How to create a video content plan

Camilo Coutinho is a reference when it comes to video marketing, and in his book "Videos that Sell More", he explains that content planning can be divided into 6 stages.

  1. Briefing: The moment you describe what the project will be. What will your goal be? Who is your audience?
  2. Research: Where your references are mapped, and you understand what people are looking for.
  3. Planning: Where all the actions that need to be done and their processes are defined.
  4. Action: Where tasks are actually executed, organizing them according to the days of the week.
  5. Measurement: Monitoring performance metrics is essential to understanding what is working and what needs to be improved.
  6. Improvements: Make adjustments to the strategy according to the analyses made in the measurement.

Video Marketing for Infopreneurs

For infopreneurs, video marketing is one of the most effective tools to promote and sell their digital products, such as online courses, e-books, mentorships, and workshops. By creating videos focused on educating your audience, you can significantly increase your sales and build a loyal customer base.

Let's explore some ways in which video marketing can be applied in this sector.

  1. Free introductory classes: Give a "taste" by providing free classes from your course, to show the value you offer and encourage users to sign up for the full product.
  2. Student testimonials: Videos with testimonials from satisfied students who have achieved results with your courses are extremely persuasive.
  3. Product launches: Launch strategies are much more impactful. This can include teaser videos, live webinars, or behind-the-scenes footage that create anticipation for the launch of your new course or training.

How to Measure Success with Videos

Knowing what is working and what needs to be improved is essential for a video marketing strategy.

Fortunately, there are several metrics that can be tracked to ensure that your videos are achieving the desired goals:

  1. Views: This metric indicates how many times your video has been watched.
  2. Retention rate: Refers to the time viewers are watching your video.
  3. Click-through rate (CTR): CTR measures the percentage of people who clicked on a link, CTA button, or banner associated with your video.
  4. Conversions: How many desired actions are completed after watching the video? It can be registering on a landing page, such as buying a product.
  5. Social interactions: Likes, comments, shares, and other social interactions are signs that your content is resonating with the audience.

How to Use Videos at Each Stage of the Sales Funnel for Infoproduct Sellers

Here's how to structure a video marketing strategy for infoproducts at each stage of the funnel:

Top of the Funnel (ToFu) - Attraction and discovery

At this stage, the focus is not on selling the product, but on creating a connection and attracting people who may be interested in the content and the expert's authority. The goal is to present the infopreneur as someone trustworthy and relevant, generating value and arousing interest.

The recommended types of videos are:

  • Short explanatory videos
  • "How-to" tutorials
  • Videos on social networks (Reels, TikTok, and Shorts)
  • YouTube Lives

Middle of the Funnel (MoFu) - Consideration and engagement

In the middle of the funnel, you have already attracted the audience's attention, and now it's time to engage them and build trust, demonstrating that your infoproduct is the right solution for their needs.

The recommended types of videos are:

  • Webinars and Lives
  • Product demonstrations

Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu) - Conversion and purchase decision

At the bottom of the funnel, leads are almost ready to make a purchase decision. At this stage, videos should be focused on encouraging conversion, highlighting the benefits and differentials of your product or service, and offering a push to action.

The recommended types of videos are:

  • Video Sales Letters (VSL)
  • Testimonials and success stories

Best Practices for Getting More Results with Videos

To ensure the success of your video marketing strategy, it is essential to follow some best practices that can maximize the impact of your videos. Here are some of them:

  1. Be clear and objective: People have a short attention span, especially online. Make sure your main message is clear from the beginning and avoid unnecessarily prolonging videos.
  2. Invest in audio and video quality: A video with poor sound or image quality can turn viewers away. Even if you don't have a large budget, it's possible to record quality videos using a good smartphone, microphone, and lighting.
  3. Use calls to action (CTAs): Never underestimate the power of a good CTA. Tell your audience exactly what you want them to do after watching the video, whether it's clicking on a link, subscribing to the channel, or directing them to new content.
  4. Bet on storytelling: Telling a compelling story keeps the audience engaged. Structure your videos as a narrative, with a beginning, middle, and end, to capture attention and move the viewer.

Videos Are No Longer an Option

Video marketing has become a necessity for companies that want to grow and stand out in the market.

Now that you know the types of videos that can be used, the best platforms to distribute them, and how to measure their success, it's time to roll up your sleeves and start implementing video marketing in your business.

And if you have or plan to use VSLs and courses in your strategy, try Panda Video and discover how our platform can help you achieve new results.

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